Monday, November 29, 2010


Hey! Melissa Here. Now in vietnam. Going home tomorrow at 12AM xD Message to those in vietnam~ Will miss you guys, cheryl, john, risa, tsubasa, and everyone else! So lazy to write everyone >.> I am so tired. I also watched finish my chinese drama. Hi, my sweetheart. Its nice. you should go watch it :o Bought lots and lots of stuff to bring back hahaha. Damn cheep! you know, a lollipop is only 2,000 vnd??? and 2,000 vnd is like 15 cents or less in sing o.o The school bag i bought, 230,000 dong? 10 dollars in sing! Marvellous~ x3 anyways, gtg now. Byeee~

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holidays.. SUCK. >.>

Heys.. melissa here! Gosh.. its holidays now and i dont get to see my friends... although i get to wake up late.. like 1pm, i miss my besties!!! I wish i can go out on an outing with ur. but my mom says.. 11 years old den can go!!! i said isn't that p5? i am p5 already! but ur not 11 :) i said who ask u give birth to me so lateee!!!!??? ugh..... anyways.. today clara brought 2 friends over bernice and tosca :o i think.. lol. anyways... hmm. i smell dinner. kk gtg cya!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Wooohoo! Got my results back.. except for.. Science D:
Math: 89/100 :D
Chinese: 22/45 yikes.
English: 55/65 :D

I didn't really study LOL. I only studied for my science xD
There were 4 people who got full marks for section a.
And i was one of them.
My math teacher, mr ahmad was like.
all of your make a speech
on how you got full marks!
when it came to me..
i said
'i dunnoo.. i didn't study??'
and then he scolded meh. Heh x.x
anyways, love ya besties! hope i get to the same class next year!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


i am so sad x.x a years past so fast! SA2 is coming.... so it decides what kind of class we are going to x.x I hope i can get into a good class with all my best friends!
Dear Best friends,
I hope you and i go to the same class! Dont leave st.nicks D; i already lost a beloved one D: seah seah. study hard! we wont get parted although we wont be in the same class. Jaedyn, Sheryl, Dawn, charmaine thong.... I LOVE YOU~ We will keep in touch with each other! cyazzz :D
ily, mEL ;0

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yay! I met seah seah again! I was at the Tennis, YOG. It was break so my mother told me to buy some chips. As i was walking down the stairs, "OMG! Hi!" Someone said. "OMG! HIIIII!!" i said. Guess what. Charmaine seah ran up to me and we just went hugging :D SOSOSOSOSOSOSO HAPPY! We played around and i sat with her to watch the tennis well we didn't really watch much as we were out playing :D I took some pics with her.. :3 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SUCH A HAPPY DAY.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Come back x.x

Come back Seah Seah..
When I am at my wit's end
and I dont know what to do
I search my heart to find the cause
It's because I miss you
When things get topsie turvy
and I have no one to turn to
I know my problem right away
I truly do miss you
When I get very lonely
and so sad and blue
And you are not so close by my side
Oh yes, I do miss you
When I get an email
and you feel the way I do
It makes me feel much better
Knowing that you miss me too
-Ginny Bryant-

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy 45th Birthday SINGAPORE!

Happy National Day!

Ugh.. Tuition sucks D: I cant celebrate my national day properly :x Supposed to be at my relative's house for lunch and dinner but tuition didn't let me go for lunchie :( Saddddddd..

Anyways, Have fun folks! Go celebrate and stop slacking at home. Psssh :P



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Welcome :D

Changed my skin again xD Kina Cute. Hope you like it!
If i've not linked you, tell me your blog url on the chat box! Thanks :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Well, not exactly the most wonderful day of my life. The most wonderful day of my life was when i met seah seah <3
I made this blog and i typed that my wishes was to like be with seah seah and it came true. FREAKY.


Ugh. All started like this.
My mother had 2 tickets to the NDP show. Which was today. I didn't want to go but she bribed me. "I will let you buy 1 packet of water stickers!" Knowing that i love water stickers.. I went with her to the NDP show.
She said that i would have to go and get a burger from mcdonalds before going to the NDP. So while my mother and I were walking towards mcdonalds, I dropped my jaw as i was walking behind my mother. CHARMAINE SEAH was sitting with her family eating. OMG... MY BESTTTTTT FRIEND~!I decided to justpoke her and she reacted by looking around. She saw me and we were like AHHHHHHHHHHHH! OMG. HIIIIIII :D I was so happy! I MISSED HER SO MUCH THAT ON THE DAY I FOUND OUT SHE TRANSFERED TO ANOTHER SCHOOL, I CRIED AS I LOCKED MYSELF IN THE ROOM. Do you know how miserable i was? =.= SO THANK YOU GOD!~
Moral: I did a good deed and god saw, he returned me my wish i asked him to grant me.

New Blog Skin

Hi! I just did a new blog skin.. Got tired of the previous one. All I want to say is thanks justin gor for some help with the HTML code. Needed some information. Hope you like it :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

I came back from meh camp!! 24th June 2010

Yeah! I am back from my camp :D I AM SO HAPPY. That camp was lame x.x We have 10 groups, and in each group, we have 5 sub groups.
Firstly.... The food was fine i guess xD
Secondly... They held 2 games in the hall. First was the caterpillar race then some marble game. In the caterpillar race, all the 5 sub groups from the same groups will compete with each other. We have to race while walking on 2 wooden planks and the planks have robes to hold. Then, we must race to the other side and pick up the hoola hoop. For my sub group, we were stuck after a few steps. It was a miracle that when miss tan pei pei came, we could go all the way! Lol. Weird o.o" So we won that race.
Thirdly... The 2nd game was some marble games. In sub groups of 4 or 5, there would be 1 person using chopsticks to pick up the marbles. The 2nd person, 3rd and 4th/5th, will have these plastic, white stuff to transfer the marbles to the next person and the next. The last person would have to bend down and roll the marble into the next empty bowl. This requires balancing the marble on the a bit bent plastic thing. We won for that game too!
I feel damn retarded.
I have no idea why she chose MYYYY sleeping bag.. but this is what happened x.x
Me, who was sleeping, felt somebody tapping me and when i woke up, i found some girl pushing me out of my sleeping bag.. She chased me out of the sleeping bag and she went and slept inside IT!!!!!!! ARGH. Then, there was another witness. SHE and I were SHOCKED. I tried to wake her up by kicking and hitting her but she did not wake up!!! So me and and the other girl went to the teacher. The teacher followed us to our sleeping bags and then they woke her up from sleep walking. Then the teacher asked, "is this your sleeping bag?" Then the girl said, "No o-O this isn't. What am i doing here?!!" so she went back to her sleeping bag. And so, I went back to sleep well not really. I DIDN"T EVEN SLEEP THE WHOLE FREAKING NIGHT! It was so cold.. And i didn't feel sleepy ~.~ Ugh. So terrible.
CAMP FIRE. (Well sort of o-o)
Lame SHIT~ zzzzzz.... The camp fire wasn't even a camp fire! It wasn't even a fire, or a fake plastic fire! SERIOUSLY. Guess what they made it as. They took 8 lamps, put it in a circle. And while we were singing the "MOTIVATION FOR THE CAMP FIRE TO LIGHT UP" the facilitators went to the lamps and turned them on! OH GOSH. WOW! SO BEAUTIFUL! MY FREAKING FOOT! -.-" And more lameness. The main facilitator said on the microphone, if you step into the ring, "YOU WILL BURN!!" Oh gosh ._. ........ THE OTHER FACILITATORS were walking in and out of the ring... And they didn't burn to death! LAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ.
Ugh :/
It was the prize giving ceremony. There were some sub groups they got some prizes for having the most number of points.... there were only 2 sub groups which won both of the 2 games in the hall. And that was mine, and another group. FANTASTIC 5!!! wooot :D we got a skipping robe which can count how many times u skipped. Then, there was a MISS SUNSHINE and CAMP QUEEN! The MISS SUNSHINE was a girl very cutte! WHom has a very nice smile and she always smiles throughout the camp. AND THE CAMP QUEEN was from my group, she is the camp queen because she participated in many activities~ lol.
I SAID A BOOM CHIKA BOOM! (group leader)
I SAID A BOOM CHIKA BOOM! (group leader)
1 MORE TIMEEEE!!! (group leader)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stuff to enlighten my dead blog!


I hate those exams... Just finished English Exam on friday... SIANZZ!
Monday would be math, I hope i get 80-90 D: as my tuition teacher says if you dont get 90, i will make you copy each wrong question 50 times! I am gonna die :x Chinese i sure fail :P lalalalala~


AHH! I found out that it ish true that my PE teacher is in my block x.x On friday, i was coming home by bus then my PE teacher took the same bus as me... As for a result, i saw her walking to my block and taking the lift up D: we went to the 12th floor! I realized she is living on top of my best friends house :o weird.. I also found out that the gym teacher and my PE teacher live together :o including the mom.... oh gosh :o does this mean? o.o hmmph. Cant be :x MUST HIDE FROM HER! xD

On the 16th of April... WAS MY SYF D: I felt we sang fine~ but when my teacher stayed back to hear the results for 1 1/2 hour, she got the results and sent it to all of us through smsing. When i recieved it, i was so sad that we got a SILVER D: well we brought it down! usually st,nicks pri choir gets gold or gold of honest hehehehe~

Melissa Signing off~ ILY SHInee!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Marchie Holidays :o

Sighs, Holidays now are nice... get to play com like 4hrs a day xD but have alot of hw to do sia.. i have chinese english and math to do today for the last day .-. gonna die >.<>

Sisters are not in the house! Except for the one i always da jia with x.x she here but go out most of the time with si lian lah :)

Clara went to melbourne yesterday.. for school field trip! ---> paying 20% of full price because shes a PR and shes selected >.O
Cheryl went to KL to watch SuJu~ <3> friends mother sponsoring >.O
Lucky Idiots .-.

Kk, Melissa Anne Lim Signing off :) Ily~Long lost Charmaine Seah! x.x

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hiiii! I have very shocking news! well shocking to meh! ><"
I just saw my last year PE teacher in my flat lift! O_O It was shocking... I was comming home in the lift from my dinner at Mc's. I knew that they were china people who lived on the 12th floor and I did not know HE FANG LAO SHI was one of them!! ShOcK ShOcK HoRrOr HoRrOr!!! I was like omg what is she doing here.. somemore I was the PE rep last year so obviously she would recongnise me. As I knew she would, I hid my face to the side of the lift and went bursting in laughter when I got out of there! Wasssss Soooo SHOCKINGzz~ I did not dare to talk to her! sighs... And I even saw her mother O_O weird.. anyways, good night! sweet dreams :) (what a memorable day :o)
Signing off, Shinnee fighting! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Omg! I am so obsessed with SHINEE :P Onew~Flaming Charisma Minho~Almighty Key~ Taemin~Jonghyun :)

Sighs, I guess sometime soon when i have free time i will make a shinee album :o


Sunday, January 24, 2010

My poor dead blog :(

Aww, my poor dead blog :( Oh well, I guess I can use something to enlighten it :D I guess this will work :3


I hope you love shinee too <3