Sunday, March 21, 2010

Marchie Holidays :o

Sighs, Holidays now are nice... get to play com like 4hrs a day xD but have alot of hw to do sia.. i have chinese english and math to do today for the last day .-. gonna die >.<>

Sisters are not in the house! Except for the one i always da jia with x.x she here but go out most of the time with si lian lah :)

Clara went to melbourne yesterday.. for school field trip! ---> paying 20% of full price because shes a PR and shes selected >.O
Cheryl went to KL to watch SuJu~ <3> friends mother sponsoring >.O
Lucky Idiots .-.

Kk, Melissa Anne Lim Signing off :) Ily~Long lost Charmaine Seah! x.x

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