Friday, December 4, 2009

My Birthday celebration with my best friends <3 01/12/09

It was a wonderful time with my friends, my mom, dad and i were going to safra at Jurong for my birthday celebration outing. When we went there, we ate our lunch at ishi mura, a sushi place xD As usual, i will always take the plate sushis, Cucumber and Crabstick :D they are my favourties :P I am boring aren't i? xDxD After that, we went to KIDS AMAZE!!! a.k.a A big gym playground :D Something differrent about jurongs safra is that jurong has one of the LONGEST slides in singapore. Its 18.5m isn't that long!? my friend went there before and they advised them to wear long sleave t-shirts and long geans because for our protection when we go down all the long slides. It is because if we get fracture burns on us while sliding down. Me and my friends were super excited to go there as the whole playground is 9,000 squarefeet!! do you noe how long is that!!!??? Since my mother is a member, we get 20% discount off the prices for the total amount that we payed for playing. This is quite impressive because you just pay $50 for 4 kids and you can play as long as you want. 7hrs or more, its worth it! or probably the whole day you can play xD But its verrrryyyy tiring to climb up to the highest place and slide down to the lowest floor. If you keep on doing it, you will die trust me :) I hope i will go there next year again! We had alot of fun playing. We played for a few hours and then we got tired. So we started heading home for showers! When we all bathed finish, we started eating tea and then went to my room to play monopoly :P We had fun and i teached my friends how to play thai thee~ :P Its kinda fun tho :D:D After that, we ate dinner which was pizza and spegatthhii--> if i spelt it correctly... <3 Then one of my friends, Catherine, had to go home. The rest of us continued playing thai thee until it was 9pm , when my father had to fetch my friends back home safe and sound :) Okay, i guess thats all folks! Hope you enjoyed my story and bai~ (Another story comming up on the 5th of december, my actual b'day!)

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