Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!! :D:D

Happy New Year, Good luck for PSLE for the p6s this year and I hope you enjoy it xDxD School is starting so be prepared for a new year ^^

ILY, charmaine seah and dawn! :D

Merry christmas :3

Merry Christmas Everyone :D

Have a fun and good new year! :]

New year celebration :]

Today is our new year celebration. Well its not night yet as my reletives are comming at night :3 so nothing to tell you but i will tell you about my new year celebration tmr! xD happy early new year ;)

christmas :D

hmm. i want to tell you about meh christmas. This year's Christmas was like others but something was wrong o.o this year's christmas was boring! and not fun D: Christmas did not feel like christmas anymore ._. so i have nothing to say hehe xDxD oh well, merry late christmas! ^^"


omg! ><>.> oh well more post comming up and Merry Late Christmas and Happy new year people! xD

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A normal day in the morning to evening :]

Today was just one ordinary day like others but i went out in the night :D My mom and I went out with my Uncle and Aunty to ToysRus at orchard forum to buy toys for the kids on christmas xD I was there because firstly i wanted to choose my pressie, secondly they needed from a kids point of view to choose :c so i went :3 I chose a monopoly board game :D always wanted it <3>

Saturday, December 12, 2009

change of plans ><

Hello everyone!
(important notice) If you want to participate in my riddle competition, send me ur answers through email! :) If i dont noe ur email, write ur email in the tag box and i will email u and see whether ur answers are correct and u will win the big prize from me! :] i wont tell u what it is :D:D Only 5 winners! :) more challenges comming up next time :c

Friday, December 11, 2009


sorry for the inconveinence xD (i spelt it correctly didn't i? :[

Hey! I was thinking and i realised i think your wouldn't bother to do the thing xD so well, i am making another post which is the correction of the earlier post 'Lets play a game' :) here it is :D

Hey! :D Since i am bored now..., lets play riddles and jokes o.o (doesn't noe the diff :c)
(just to tell you, dont mind the sick jokes right? <3)
If you know the answer, write in the tag box! ^-^

Why did the kid burry his family? :o

I come in darkness, but fill the mind with light. I bring enlightenment to some, while gripping others in the hand of fear. With me it can be a journey of inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show you will often be unreachable. Journey with me and what you see may haunt you. Journey with me and you may never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will end. What am I? ;)

I'm so fast you can't see me, Though everyone sees straight through me, I don't stop until the day you die. What am I? :D:D

What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right? xDxD

There was a man who was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. Yet, there was nothing wrong with what he had done. Why? <3

Two girls have the same parents and were born at the same hour of the same day of the same month, but they are not twins. How can this be possible?

Ok! I cant think of any other riddles :c so, answer them and you will get a prize from MEH! :D

Melissa, signing off :) good bye!

Apology ><

---Notice--- Hey guys! you noe the riddle post? sorry, the words are kinda small tho, i will give u an idea if u cant see it xD copy it and paste it on like microsoft word or smth like that and make the font bigger! thanks for your appreciation and consideration :]

Lets play a game! :D

Hey! :D Since i am bored now..., lets play riddles and jokes o.o (doesn't noe the diff :c)
(just to tell you, dont mind the sick jokes right? <3)
If you know the answer, write in the tag box! ^-^

Why did the kid burry his family? :o
-answer will be given next time-

I come in darkness, but fill the mind with light. I bring enlightenment to some, while gripping others in the hand of fear. With me it can be a journey of inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show you will often be unreachable. Journey with me and what you see may haunt you. Journey with me and you may never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will end. What am I? ;)

I'm so fast you can't see me, Though everyone sees straight through me, I don't stop until the day you die. What am I? :D:D

What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right? xDxD

There was a man who was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. Yet, there was nothing wrong with what he had done. Why? <3

Two girls have the same parents and were born at the same hour of the same day of the same month, but they are not twins. How can this be possible?

Ok! I cant think of any other riddles :c so, answer them and you will get a prize from MEH! :D

Melissa, signing off :) good bye!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A day like others :P

*yawns* a day like every other day except occasions :x Boring... except when i use the computer for only 1hour to play my game fiesta and wind slayer... so bored ><><>< oh well, more INTRESTING stories comming up next time and i will have a very long story for christmas! xD ciao~ :]

My new playlist

Hey! :D i just updated my playlist with new videos in it. Which are haptic and miss imitate. If the screen is too small and u cant be able to see the sub titles if u would liked, go to youtube and search for them. Clearer and bigger too so that u wont need to squint ur eyes ^^" Just for your information btw xD

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Birthday Celebration with my relatives <3 5/12/09

Hello everyone! :D today was a good day as i celebrated my birthday with relatives. First, when we came back from church after my sister's confirmation, we started getting ready for the guest. First one to come was si lian :) then followed by my uncle, then my... argh i dont noe o.o i forgot xDxD well, going on, we had dinner and then my cousins were playing with me quoridor if thats how i spell it o.o and then unexpectedly, my mother said that THERES NO CANDLES!!!!! i was like '-.-' whyyyy -.- we should have. and then my mom said that we dont have anymore! then my mother went next door and asked for 1 big candle which actually represents 10 years old.... HELLO????!! i am not 10 forgoodnesake -.- i am nine :x sigh. We had Choco bananna cake as i wanted because its so nice! :D After that, i started openning my pressies :D 1, was a nerf gun, 2 was a... chocolate candy thing xD i forgot the name :x 3rd was a.... pencil case with a mechanical pencil, a pen, and 1 box of cute lil star paper clips <3>< i did not feel like sleeping :P well, until my mom came out from bed and told me to sleep :x i slept XDXD oh well, i have to go now and play my nerf gun! :P:P ~what a memorable day~ ciao~ more storys of my day next time! byeee~~

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Today's my b'day! :D

Yay! Once in a blue moon, my birthday is here! :D:D I wonder why december i keep on asking my parents ._. its so far from the start of a year or probably if you look in another way its close xDxD Well, today the dec the 5th, there are alot of events happening today xD first, my sister, Cheryl, is getting confirmed in church today as it is the first event today x3 there is also a wedding on my mothers side but we aren't going for it because there are already 2 events happening in our family xDxD so we decided not to go for it. 3rd, its my birthday so after we come back from church, we will start to get ready when the guest comes :D hmmm, i guess thats all folks! i have to go and get ready to go to church =^-^= 1 more story comming up tmr about today's celebrations ^^ baii~

Friday, December 4, 2009

My Birthday celebration with my best friends <3 01/12/09

It was a wonderful time with my friends, my mom, dad and i were going to safra at Jurong for my birthday celebration outing. When we went there, we ate our lunch at ishi mura, a sushi place xD As usual, i will always take the plate sushis, Cucumber and Crabstick :D they are my favourties :P I am boring aren't i? xDxD After that, we went to KIDS AMAZE!!! a.k.a A big gym playground :D Something differrent about jurongs safra is that jurong has one of the LONGEST slides in singapore. Its 18.5m isn't that long!? my friend went there before and they advised them to wear long sleave t-shirts and long geans because for our protection when we go down all the long slides. It is because if we get fracture burns on us while sliding down. Me and my friends were super excited to go there as the whole playground is 9,000 squarefeet!! do you noe how long is that!!!??? Since my mother is a member, we get 20% discount off the prices for the total amount that we payed for playing. This is quite impressive because you just pay $50 for 4 kids and you can play as long as you want. 7hrs or more, its worth it! or probably the whole day you can play xD But its verrrryyyy tiring to climb up to the highest place and slide down to the lowest floor. If you keep on doing it, you will die trust me :) I hope i will go there next year again! We had alot of fun playing. We played for a few hours and then we got tired. So we started heading home for showers! When we all bathed finish, we started eating tea and then went to my room to play monopoly :P We had fun and i teached my friends how to play thai thee~ :P Its kinda fun tho :D:D After that, we ate dinner which was pizza and spegatthhii--> if i spelt it correctly... <3 Then one of my friends, Catherine, had to go home. The rest of us continued playing thai thee until it was 9pm , when my father had to fetch my friends back home safe and sound :) Okay, i guess thats all folks! Hope you enjoyed my story and bai~ (Another story comming up on the 5th of december, my actual b'day!)