Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today <3 11/11/09

Today was when i had to go to school for my choir practices <3 I enjoyed it but when everybody arrived, THERE WAS NO PIANO as my school is moving out already :( sadly my teacher came with a SORE TROAT too ._. She couldn't teach us to sing! So my teacher in-charge came and she went off to look for the keyboard/piano. She came back asking us who would voulunteer to help carry the keyboard. SO two of my p5 friends vonlunteerd and went off to carry it xD They came back with it while the choir was accapelling some warm-ups :3 In the end, we had a good choir session although my teacher was sick >.> After my choir, my mother smsed me and told me that they were in the canteen waiting for me after they bought my p4 books. So i went up to the canteen and saw my parents. I asked them whether i could go to mac donalds to eat. They said ok. So we did not go to the nearby Mac Donalds at my sch but we went to the drive thru one. We did not drive thru but ate there <3 I ate cheese burger and my parents ate the same thing as me. We had gotten 12 of the mac donald cards you know the one which is for the contest thingy? xD cos we ate 3 meals so 3x4 is 12 lor :)I went back home and combined it with my others which i got last time. Well, thats all folks! Cya next time! :3:3

Melissa <3

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