Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My birthday is comming! :)

Woohooo! my birthday is comming really soon :D:D Its on the 5 of dec so give me prezzies ok? :):) I will be inviting some of my school friends over like on the 4th of dec and on the 5th i am goin to invtie my reletives over in the night. In the afternoon for 5th dec, it will be my sister, cheryl's confirmation in the church. So i guess the whole 5th dec is booked xD Actually, there is another event going on on 5th dec which is a wedding. Hmmm.. i think is my fathers uncle daughter getting married LOL long story xD but my mom and dad will not attend the wedding cuz its my sister's confrimation and my b'day on that day :O so i guess she wont be going o.o anyways, hope you wish me a happy b'day on my blog or on facebook! Bye :3

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