Monday, October 26, 2009

My trip to vietnam,Ho chin Minh :)

Hello everyone!

I will be talking about my trip to vietnam. IT WAS FUN! I really enjoyed that trip cos i had a chance to bowl and swim as i have not done those for a very long time.I went bowling for 2 times a swam for 3 times. Sadly i could not do more as i had only one week there. Bowling was free for us except we had to pay for the drinks and shoes.It only cost around 60,000 dong? i think xD The bowling trip was fun cos my friends had many vouchers for bowling. The first time i went was late at night. My mother stayed at the hotel cos she was having a headache as she did not come with us to bowl. Instead, I went with my friend and her bros to the bowling alley which we also booked a private room. It was sooooo fun! but i suck at bowling >.> Anyways, the 2nd time i went was when my mother came with me and the others to bowl. She did not bowl but she was worried that if no adult supervisasion is involed, so she came along.This time,i went with my friend and her bro plus a lil boy named darren. He actually won 2nd... as i won 4th... hes good :x anyways, going on to swimming, the first time i went was a normal swim haha :3 The second time i went we brought 2 hollahoops and went with a neighbour, the teng family. I meant only the kids. the kids are named darren, tania and aiden. Darren is 8 years old whereas tania is 6 and aiden is still at toddaler.---> dunnoe how to spelll~ His chinese is actually better then his siblings cos the maid only speaks chinese and aiden spends most of his time with the maid as he is taken care. The third time i went was with darren and tania only. they brought their long floats while we brought nothing. This time, i learnt from my friend how to do a front roll on the spot in the water. Well, i did not get it but i only got to know how to do it a lil bit. She needs to push me cos i cant puch myself. When she pushes me, i will do a full front roll :3 it was fun after that, i learnt how to do the back roll. The back roll was easier cos... i dunno how. :o Well,going on, i bought many stuff like a new water bottle, PINK converse shoes, many stickers,clothes, new sunglases and more. *yawns* i feel tired now :o I guess i shall get going and take a nap :) BYe!!!

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