Saturday, August 14, 2010

Come back x.x

Come back Seah Seah..
When I am at my wit's end
and I dont know what to do
I search my heart to find the cause
It's because I miss you
When things get topsie turvy
and I have no one to turn to
I know my problem right away
I truly do miss you
When I get very lonely
and so sad and blue
And you are not so close by my side
Oh yes, I do miss you
When I get an email
and you feel the way I do
It makes me feel much better
Knowing that you miss me too
-Ginny Bryant-

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy 45th Birthday SINGAPORE!

Happy National Day!

Ugh.. Tuition sucks D: I cant celebrate my national day properly :x Supposed to be at my relative's house for lunch and dinner but tuition didn't let me go for lunchie :( Saddddddd..

Anyways, Have fun folks! Go celebrate and stop slacking at home. Psssh :P

