Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! :D

Lols. Writing a post now.. after so long o.o like months? Anyways, Happy New year! :D Finally school is here .-. I mish my friends!! hope to see them again :o

Monday, November 29, 2010


Hey! Melissa Here. Now in vietnam. Going home tomorrow at 12AM xD Message to those in vietnam~ Will miss you guys, cheryl, john, risa, tsubasa, and everyone else! So lazy to write everyone >.> I am so tired. I also watched finish my chinese drama. Hi, my sweetheart. Its nice. you should go watch it :o Bought lots and lots of stuff to bring back hahaha. Damn cheep! you know, a lollipop is only 2,000 vnd??? and 2,000 vnd is like 15 cents or less in sing o.o The school bag i bought, 230,000 dong? 10 dollars in sing! Marvellous~ x3 anyways, gtg now. Byeee~

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holidays.. SUCK. >.>

Heys.. melissa here! Gosh.. its holidays now and i dont get to see my friends... although i get to wake up late.. like 1pm, i miss my besties!!! I wish i can go out on an outing with ur. but my mom says.. 11 years old den can go!!! i said isn't that p5? i am p5 already! but ur not 11 :) i said who ask u give birth to me so lateee!!!!??? ugh..... anyways.. today clara brought 2 friends over bernice and tosca :o i think.. lol. anyways... hmm. i smell dinner. kk gtg cya!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Wooohoo! Got my results back.. except for.. Science D:
Math: 89/100 :D
Chinese: 22/45 yikes.
English: 55/65 :D

I didn't really study LOL. I only studied for my science xD
There were 4 people who got full marks for section a.
And i was one of them.
My math teacher, mr ahmad was like.
all of your make a speech
on how you got full marks!
when it came to me..
i said
'i dunnoo.. i didn't study??'
and then he scolded meh. Heh x.x
anyways, love ya besties! hope i get to the same class next year!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


i am so sad x.x a years past so fast! SA2 is coming.... so it decides what kind of class we are going to x.x I hope i can get into a good class with all my best friends!
Dear Best friends,
I hope you and i go to the same class! Dont leave st.nicks D; i already lost a beloved one D: seah seah. study hard! we wont get parted although we wont be in the same class. Jaedyn, Sheryl, Dawn, charmaine thong.... I LOVE YOU~ We will keep in touch with each other! cyazzz :D
ily, mEL ;0

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yay! I met seah seah again! I was at the Tennis, YOG. It was break so my mother told me to buy some chips. As i was walking down the stairs, "OMG! Hi!" Someone said. "OMG! HIIIII!!" i said. Guess what. Charmaine seah ran up to me and we just went hugging :D SOSOSOSOSOSOSO HAPPY! We played around and i sat with her to watch the tennis well we didn't really watch much as we were out playing :D I took some pics with her.. :3 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SUCH A HAPPY DAY.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Come back x.x

Come back Seah Seah..
When I am at my wit's end
and I dont know what to do
I search my heart to find the cause
It's because I miss you
When things get topsie turvy
and I have no one to turn to
I know my problem right away
I truly do miss you
When I get very lonely
and so sad and blue
And you are not so close by my side
Oh yes, I do miss you
When I get an email
and you feel the way I do
It makes me feel much better
Knowing that you miss me too
-Ginny Bryant-

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy 45th Birthday SINGAPORE!

Happy National Day!

Ugh.. Tuition sucks D: I cant celebrate my national day properly :x Supposed to be at my relative's house for lunch and dinner but tuition didn't let me go for lunchie :( Saddddddd..

Anyways, Have fun folks! Go celebrate and stop slacking at home. Psssh :P

